While the general public is not likely to be affected, sensitive groups (such as children, older adults, those with breathing issues or heart disease) may experience some health effects and should limit outdoor exposure through tonight.
MN Air Quality Alert
...AIR QUALITY ALERT IN EFFECT FROM 12 PM CDT TODAY THROUGH 6 AM CDT THURSDAY... * WHAT...The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency has issued an Air Quality Alert for fine particle pollution. The Air Quality Index (AQI) is expected to reach the Orange or Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups category. * WHERE...southeast Minnesota. * WHEN...From 12 PM CDT today through 6 AM CDT Thursday. * IMPACTS...Sensitive groups, such as people with lung disease (including asthma), heart disease, and children and older adults, may experience health effects. * ADDITIONAL DETAILS...Smoke from wildfires in Ontario and Manitoba is expected to mix down to the ground over northern Wisconsin and move into central and southeast Minnesota this afternoon. Fine particle levels are expected to reach the Orange AQI category, a level that is considered unhealthy for sensitive groups, today across central and southeast Minnesota and remain in the Orange AQI category tomorrow. Fine particle levels will begin to improve across the state beginning Wednesday evening as winds will begin to move the smoke out of the state. By Thursday morning air quality should be improved below alert levels statewide. PRECAUTIONARY/PREPAREDNESS ACTIONS... Sensitive groups, such as people with lung disease (including asthma), heart disease, and children and older adults, should limit prolonged or heavy exertion. For information on current air quality conditions in your area and to sign up for daily air quality forecasts and alert notifications by email, text message, phone, or the Minnesota Air mobile app, visit https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/current-air-quality. You can find additional information about health and air quality at https://www.pca.state.mn.us/air/why-you-should-care-air-quality-and- health.
WI Air Quality Alert
...AIR QUALITY ALERT IN EFFECT UNTIL MIDNIGHT CDT TONIGHT FOR ALL OF WISCONSIN... The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has issued an Air Quality Advisory FOR Particulates...in effect until midnight CDT tonight. This advisory is for the entire state of Wisconsin. Concentrations of Particulates may approach or exceed unhealthy standards. At this level of Particulates exposure, members of sensitive groups may experience health effects. The general public is not likely to be affected. For additional information...please visit Wisconsin DNR Air quality Web site at http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/airquality