When Do You Know It Is Going to Be a Bad Day?

Is there a moment when you know that your day will be ruined? According to a new survey, apparently there is. And the exact time is 8:36 a.m. That’s when the average American knows if they’re in for a “bad day.” The survey found that the average person has four bad days a month – that’s 48 bad days a year. 26% of respondents went so far as to say that when something goes bad in the morning, the day is completely lost. 48% admitted to canceling plans or calling in sick to work when they wake up with a feeling that the day will be challenging.

For parents, back-to-school time presents extra challenges. 55% of the parents of school-aged kids surveyed said their kids are more prone to bad days when the new school year starts as they readjust to the schedule. 51% of parents also said they experience an increase in bad days when kids go back to school, with 56% saying their child’s bad day often leads to their own.

Here are some morning mishaps that can signal a bad day:

  1. Waking up feeling sick – 35%
  2. Sleeping poorly throughout the night – 31%
  3. Waking up with a headache – 29%
  4. Losing keys – 26%
  5. Forgetting phone at home – 25%
  6. Running out of toilet paper – 22%
  7. Forgetting your wallet at home – 22%
  8. Oversleeping – 18%