What’s Your Favorite Hot Dog Style?

On the 4th of July, we love to chow down on hot dogs…How many??  Around 150 million will be consumed in Independence Day!  So how do we like to dress up our dogs???

A recent survey shows that “New York” style dogs are America’s favorite.  What does a “New York” dog entail?  An all-beef hot dog topped with steamed onions and a pale, deli-style yellow mustard.  Our second choice is the “Chiacgo” style dog, that’s an all-beef hot dog layered with yellow mustard, dark green relish, chopped raw onion, pickle spear, sport peppers, tomato slices and topped with a dash of celery salt and served in a poppy seed bun.  The third most popular is my favorite, the “Michigan” Coney Dog, meaty chili sauce on top of an all-beef hot dog with mustard and onion.

Throw some ballpark franks on the grill this weekend!