VIDEO: A Contractor Destroys a Bathroom Because of a Billing Issue

A contractor was caught on camera destroying a new bathroom he’d worked on due to a dispute over $4,000. The video showing Terry Gregory of Home Remodels swinging a sledgehammer and knocking new tiling and fixtures from the shower walls while yelling.

Homeowner Amber Trucke says she paid $3,330 of an owed $7,555. The contractor sent her a Facebook pay request for the balance last Friday and said she had to pay by that evening. Trucke says she asked to see the finished product, get receipts proving they’d ordered a shower door they needed to install, and ensure water would flow properly through the plumbing before paying. But on Saturday morning, the contractor demanded payment, and showed up to cause destruction. Trucke wrote on Facebook, “[Because] I didn’t pay in 23 hours . . . they showed up like thugs and destroyed my property.”

Photo Credit:  ViralHog via YouTube