The 2023 Halloween Fun Guide

October 31st-  Stone Ridge Community Church in Decorah, IA will be hosting their annual community Trunk or Treat. This event is open to children and families of all ages and requires no pre-registration! Trunk or treating will be held in the church parking lot next to Kwik Star off Montgomery Street from 5:00-6:30. Bring out your family and enjoy a safe event with cookies and hot chocolate! Watch for the signs!

Waukon, IA- Trick or Treat at the Allamakee County Courthouse Tuesday, October 31st from 1-3 PM.

Decorah, IA- Decorah Trick or Treating is happening October 31, from 5-8 PM.

Waukon, IA- St. Paul’s United Methodist Church will be hosting their annual “All Hallows Eve” event on Oct 31st from 5 to 7 pm. Trick-or-treaters are asked to enter the building on 2nd Ave. NW & exit on 1st St. Come see our many displays & receive a book along with numerous treats.

Waukon, IA- Trick or Treating at Northgate Care Center from 3:30-5:30 PM.

Decorah, IA-Barthell Eastern Star Home & Arlin Falck Assisted Living is hosting Trick or Treat on Tuesday, October 31st from 3-5 PM.

Spillville, IA- Trick or Treat Tuesday, October 31st from 6-8 PM.

Calmar, IA- Trick or Treat Tuesday, October 31st from 4-7 PM.

Ossian, IA- Trick or Treat Tuesday October 31st from 4-8 PM.

Festina, IA- Trick or Treat Tuesday, October 31st from 5-7 PM.

Monona, IA- Trick or Treat Tuesday, October 31st from 5-8 PM. Trunk or Treat from 5-7 PM on West Center St.

West Union, IA- Trick or Treat Tuesday, October 31st from 5-7 PM.

Canton, MN- Trick or Treat Tuesday, October 31st from 4-7 PM. At the Canton Town Hall.

Waukon, IA- Trick or Treat Tuesday October 31st from 4-8 PM.

New Albin, IA- Trunk or Treat, Saturday October 28th from 10-1 PM at the Christ Community Evangelical Free Church

Fort Atkinson, IA- Trick or Treat Tuesday, October 31st from 4-7 PM.