Spring Road Work Impacting Northeast Iowa

Spring and summer around these parts means road construction.  Some highways you travel everyday might be impacted by some work soon.  Check out the latest from the Iowa Department of Transportation.

-NEW HAMPTON, Iowa – March 19, 2024 – If you drive on U.S. 18 and Iowa 51 in Postville you need to be aware of an upcoming asphalt paving and resurfacing project that may impact your trip.

Beginning on Monday, April 1, until mid-November, weather permitting, crews will need to shift traffic in a head-to-head traffic pattern on one side of the road in some sections of the work zone.  Flaggers will assist you through the work area when paving and related work is underway.

Part of this project includes updating sidewalks to be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. To get this work done, we’ll need to close some of the side roads in the area from time to time.


-NEW HAMPTON, Iowa – March 21, 2024 – If you drive on Iowa 56 between West Union and Elkader in Fayette and Clayton counties you need to be aware of an upcoming asphalt resurfacing project that may impact your trip.

Beginning on Wednesday, April 3, until late July, weather permitting, crews will need to intermittently close one lane so resurfacing work can take place. Flaggers and pilot cars will assist you through the work zone to keep traffic moving.

NEW HAMPTON, Iowa – March 29, 2024 – If you drive on the Iowa 150 bridge, 0.2 miles north of Iowa 93, you need to be aware of an upcoming project that may impact your trip.

Beginning on Monday, April 8 until late July, weather permitting, crews will close one lane of the bridge so bridge deck overlay work can be done. Both lanes will be worked on in separate stages according to the Iowa DOT’s New Hampton construction office.

Temporary traffic signals will be in place to help direct you through the work zone. Lane-width restriction signs will be in place in advance of the work zone to direct larger vehicles to alternate routes.


-NEW HAMPTON, Iowa – March 21, 2024 – If you drive on Iowa 150 from West Union to the Fayette/Winneshiek County line you need to be aware of an upcoming asphalt resurfacing project that may impact your trip.

Beginning on Monday, April 15, until early July, weather permitting, crews will need to intermittently close one lane so resurfacing work can take place. Flaggers and pilot cars will assist you through the work zone to keep traffic moving.

Help keep everyone on the road safer. Drive with caution, obey the posted speed limit and other signs in the work area, and be aware that traffic fines for moving violations are at least double in work zones. As in all work zones, you should stay alert, allow ample space between vehicles, and wear seat belts.

The latest traveler information is available anytime through our 511 system. Visit 511ia.org; call 511 (within Iowa) or 800-288-1047 (nationwide); stay connected with 511 on Facebook or Twitter (find links at https://iowadot.gov/511/511-social-media-sites); or download the free app to your mobile device.

Photo Credit:  Iowa DOT