Sheriff’s Deputy Uses De-Escalation Skills To Remove Llama

A deputy in Washington state was called out to a rural road by a delivery driver who needed a little help removing an unexpected obstacle.

The sheriff’s department received a call from a driver who explained that he needed to deliver a package to a house but couldn’t make it down the road because a loose llama stopped right in front of his car and refused to move. Deputy Paczosa was dispatched to the scene and, according to a description on Facebook, used “his de-escalation skills while standing just a tad over spitting distance” and “was able to sweet talk him into putting on a leash to get him off the roadway.”

Once the llama wrangler removed the obstruction, the driver was able to make his delivery. Moments later, the sheriff’s office received another call, this time from someone reporting that their llama had gotten loose. Luckily for them, deputies already knew where the llama was and were able to reunite him with his owner.

Photo Credit:  King County Sheriff’s Office via Facebook