New Holiday Drink: Mayo-nog

Your new favorite holiday drink… mayo-nog. April Fool’s Day is still months away, so we have to believe that Hellmann’s is serious about its cringey new holiday product that no one has ever asked for. The mayonnaise-maker is teaming up with Brooklyn-based mixology company Muddling Memories to create mayo-nog — and it’s exactly what you think it is. Yup, it’s eggnog, only the egg is replaced with mayonnaise, which of course consists of egg, but also oil and vinegar. Simply put, it’s a mayonnaise concoction you drink, but creators of this monstrosity also suggest trying it as a glaze or drizzle on pancakes or desserts. The mayo-nog, which also contains rum, apple brandy, and cognac is on the cocktail menu at a New York bar called Amy Fontaine’s.

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Photo Credit: muddlingmemories via Instagram