Listener Mail: Listening to KNEI in Jamaica!

Post Photo for Listener Mail: Listening to KNEI in Jamaica!

Posted: October 15, 2020 at 10:15 am

We love getting e-mails like this….it definitely makes our day here at the radio station!

Today 10/14/2020 my husband Al and myself were coming back from a trip to Dubuque. We received a facetime from our friend Junior Hudson in Jamaica. He is a bus driver and he was at the airport in Jamaica waiting to pick up some people and listening to KNEI 103.5 on his phone. He loves the station. So while I am talking to him my husband calls the radio station and asks if they could say a hello to him. Not being sure if it would be done I told him to keep listening to the radio, and to his surprise the DJ said hello to him. He was suppose to come to stay with us in Ferryville, but with Coronavirus he was unable to leave his country. He wishes he could live in the USA but it is very expensive. He was so thrilled with the shout out that he sent me the following text.

“You know I have to tell you this, I have been living in Jamaica for 47 years now and my name never has been on a radio and I have visited the US 3 times and today while I was at work just sitting listening to my favorite American radio station KNEI I heard my name announced. I just couldn’t believe it. I keep poking myself and saying isn’t that something special”.

Thank you KNEI for making one persons day filled with sunshine.

Merilee & AlĀ 
Ferryville, WI