Krispy Kreme tells Minnesota college to stop reselling doughnuts….Now Reconsiders.

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts wasn’t too sweet on a Minnesota college student’s business idea of buying doughnuts in Iowa and reselling them for a profit in the Twin Cities.

Less than a week after the local newspaper, St. Paul Pioneer Press, ran an article about Jayson Gonzalez’s doughnut reselling enterprise, he received a phone call from Krispy Kreme’s Nebraska office ordering him to cease all operations.

Gonzalez would drive for about eight hours each weekend to get the doughnuts, but on Halloween (10/31) he told his Facebook followers that he had to shut down operations.

Pioneer Press said Krispy Kreme told Gonzalez that his sales would create a liability for the company, but also noted that they’ve “benefited from thousands of dollars paid by Minnesotans for the doughnut deliveries.”

Gonzalez would put up to 100 doughnut dozens in his Ford Focus each weekend and charge his customers between $17 and $20 per box.

Gonzalez shared another update on Facebook Monday (11/4) that said Krispy Kreme would now be allowing him to continue his business with their support.

He said, “[Krispy Kreme wants] to ensure I become an independent operator and make sure the brand is represented well,” adding that, “We can get started up again soon once certain things are in place.”

Gonzalez then wrote that with the demand for doughnuts growing over the past few days, he is “definitely going to need a bigger vehicle.”