Kentucky School District Cancels School The Day After Super Bowl Sunday

Students in Paris, Kentucky, have a day off from school today –and it’s not a snow day. It’s not even a holiday, although the superintendent thinks it should be. The district actually voted to close schools because it’s the day after the Super Bowl. Every year, the topic of whether “Super Bowl Monday” should be a holiday comes up and nothing is ever done about it, so Stephen McCauley, the superintendent of Paris City Schools, decided to put it up for a vote – and the board approved it.

Instead of having a long Presidents’ Day weekend, the schools will observe a long Super Bowl weekend. McCauley announced in a video, “No need to rush the kids to bed at halftime or leave the parties and taco dip early. At Paris City Schools, we understand school should adjust to fit real life. Enjoy the game and cheer on your favorite team.”