How You Butter Bread Reveals Your Personality

How you butter your bread may tell a lot about your personality. Whether you like to spread a thin layer of butter on your toast or thick globs of it from crust to crust, a body language expert says you’re revealing a lot about yourself. Research suggests that the average person spreads butter on 574 slices of bread a year, and human behavioral researcher Darren Stanton examined all the different ways of doing it and what each method tells about the type of person you are.

  • The Glider: 50% of people say they glide their knife over the toast for an even spread. These people tend to be easygoing and calm in nature.
  • Total coverage: 19% say they like a thick spread right up to the edges of the bread. They are very precise, methodical and organized.
  • Clumper: 6% plop clumps of butter on their bread and don’t spread it evenly. They do things their own way and aren’t very good with time management.
  • Crust-avoiders: 5% say they butter their bread but avoid the crust. They are typically very neat and tidy and consider themselves perfectionists.
  • Double-sider: Those who butter both sides of a slice of bread tend to be creative, extroverted, and enjoy being the center of attention.
  • Tear and spread: People who tear a slice of bread into pieces and then butter each piece are better communicators and are good at building trust.
  • Barely there: Those who use very little butter on their bread are described as busy, outdoorsy go-getters.