Women have been creating things since before there even was a patent system. Now, patents should help women get the credit they deserve for inventions that are used worldwide. That doesn’t mean that the credit always goes where it’s due, so let’s remind you of some of the go-to items that we wouldn’t even have if it weren’t for women.

These are some of the things you might not have known were invented by women:

  • Paper bags — Margaret Knight came up with the idea of the flat-bottom bags in 1868.
  • Kevlar — This high-tensile material that’s up to five times stronger than steel was accidentally invented in a lab by Stephanie Kwolek. She earned a patent for the invention in 1966.
  • Foot-pedal trash cans — Lillian Gilbreth invented many things that help make our lives easier. On top of the foot-pedal device, she also designed shelves to go inside refrigerator doors, wall-light switches and easier-to-use can openers.
  • The game of Monopoly — Elizabeth Magie created The Landlord’s Game to teach a lesson about the disadvantages of renting and the economic theory of Georgism. She got bought out of her patent by the Parker Brothers and did not receive any royalties for her work.
  • Windshield wipers — Mary Anderson knew there was a safer way to drive in the rain and snow, so she created the first manual wipers in 1903. Charlotte Bridgwood invented the automatic version in 1917.
  • Disposable diapers — Marion Donovan knew there was a better option than cloth for her baby’s diapers. That’s why she created the waterproof diaper cover (which was sold at Saks Fifth Avenue) before eventually creating an entirely disposable model.
  • Signal flares — Martha Coston knew that communication between ships needed to be better than just yelling and waving flags across the water. She carried out her late husband’s plans to create the signal flare as we know it today, but she didn’t receive any credit for the invention.
  • Alphabet blocks — These children’s toys were invented in 1882 by Adeline D.T. Whitney.
  • Retractable dog leashes — A New Yorker named Mary A. Delaney wanted to let her dog roam without losing sight of him. Now, dog owners everywhere get to enjoy the same thing.
  • Video home security systems — The first home security system with video came out in 1966, invented by Marie Van Brittan Brown. So you can thank her next time you look at your video app to see if your package was delivered!