Good News: Baking Company Helps People Stuck on I-95

You probably heard that earlier this week, people were stuck on I-95 In Virginia for more than a day due to a snowstorm.

Among those stranded in their cars were Casey Holihan and her husband, John Noe, who were pretty hungry after having nothing to eat for more than 30 hours. That’s when they noticed a bread truck from Schmidt Baking Company stuck just ahead of them on the highway. They called the company and left a message asking if the driver could give out some of the bread to them and other stranded drivers.

They got a call back within 20 minutes from Baltimore’s H&S Bakery, which owns Schmidts, and were told that they had called the driver of the truck, Ron Hill, and told him to open up the truck and hand out the bread.

“We just kept giving it out until we couldn’t walk anymore because it was so freezing,” Holihan told WBAL. “It felt incredible just hearing people say thank you and hearing people just so relieved to finally have food in their car, food in their system and in their kids’ system. It was a really incredible feeling.”