Does every day feel the same?

Post Photo for Does every day feel the same?

Posted: September 8, 2020 at 9:59 am

Does every day feel the same? It’s not just you. A new survey found that 62% of respondents said all their days feel the same – which is causing them to have difficulty focusing. 60% said they feel a general lack of energy during the day and more than half of those surveyed said the days are going by so fast that the always feel tired. But there’s a bright side. The survey found that people are making a point to do things to keep their minds active.

Here are the Top 10 Activities People Are Doing to Stay Sharp:

  1. Reading — 46%
  2. Exercising more regularly — 40%
  3. Doing puzzles — 37%
  4. Watching documentaries — 36%
  5. Playing board games — 33%
  6. Taking a new vitamin or supplement — 31%
  7. Crosswords — 31%
  8. Learning a new skill hobby — 28%
  9. Sudoku — 17%
  10. Learning a new language — 17%

Credit:  Paul Jensen via YouTube