Company offers to ‘scrap your ex’ for Valentine’s Day

A car scrapping company in Britain is offering jilted exes the chance to send former lovers to the junk heap for Valentine’s Day.  Scrap Car Comparison announced its “Scrap Your Ex” program will allow people to have cars named after their exes before being sent to the scrap heap. “Offering a unique form of ‘car-tharsis’ for anyone that has recently gone through a breakup, the ‘Scrap Your Ex’ scheme is open for a limited time to anyone worldwide who wants to trash the memories of a past relationship, or even nominate a friend’s ex that deserves to be junked,” the company said in a news release. Anyone seeking to have their ex scrapped for Valentine’s Day simply has to put their name into an online form and explain why their particular ex-lover deserves to end up in the dump. Each car scraped during the promotion will have a chosen ex’s name written on its chassis. The person who nominated their ex for scrapping will receive photographic evidence of the deed.

Photo Credit: Scrap Car Comparison