Iowa Severe Weather Awareness Week MARCH 21-25, 2022

Severe Weather Awareness Week in Iowa - March 21-2

March 21-25, 2022 is Severe Weather Awareness Week in Iowa.


Each day a different preparedness topic will be covered, including a statewide tornado drill on Wednesday, March 23rd at 10AM.


The Severe Weather preparedness page can be found at:

Daily Topics:

  • Monday - Severe Thunderstorms
  • Tuesday - Warning Reception
  • Wednesday - Tornadoes
  • Thursday - Preparedness
  • Friday - Flooding

On Wednesday, March 23rd, a statewide tornado drill will be held at 10:00 a.m. CDT for Iowa.  Outdoor sirens may be used in some communities for the drill and NOAA Weather Radios will be activated using test wording.  Take advantage of these drills to test your action and shelter plans.