Update Coronavirus
Gov. Reynolds issued a State of Public Health Disaster Emergency activating the public health response and recovery aspects of the State Disaster Emergency Plan effective at noon March 17, 2020 for Covid-19 response.
Social Distancing remains a main focus of concern. Mass gatherings of more than 10 people are prohibited at ALL locations and venues, this includes festivals, conventions, fundraisers, and parades. This is important in slowing the spread of disease.
Restaurants and bars were ordered closed and many local establishments are offering take-outs or carry outs. Please call your local favorite and support them BUT call them first.
It remains essential that each individual covers their cough, washes their hands often, and stays home if not feeling well.
If you are an elderly person or someone in the high-risk category, please make every effort to stay home and away from public locations. Businesses have made changes to allow curbside, carry out, pick-up deliveries so call them and check out your options.
Ask your family first or perhaps ask a neighbor to assist you with running your errands such as picking up needed groceries or medication.
Limit visitors into your home if you are in the high-risk category. Have visitors wash their hands and maintain the social distance of six (6) feet, if they must come in.
Reminder to all residents that you must NOT use anything but toilet paper in the toilets. That is the only things that breaks down properly to avoid damage to yours and the municipal sewer pipes. Do NOT flush wipes down the toilet, put them in the trash!
If questions, regarding the Coronavirus, please call the Iowa Department of Public Health call line at 2-1-1.
Check out www.cdc.gov/covid19 or www.iowa.idph.gov and look for COVID-19 resources for more information.