News Release
March 27, 2020 0900 am 563-382-4662
Contact: Krista Vanden Brink BA, RN Nancy Sacquitne RN, BSN
kvandenbrink@winneshiekhealth.org nsacquitne@winneshiekhealth.org
Winneshiek County Public Health was notified of an additional positive case of COVID 19 in Winneshiek County late yesterday. This person has already recovered and had been in isolation.
Winneshiek County Public Health and our community health partners are stressing the importance of STAYING HOME. This does slow the spread.
If you must go out, MAINTAIN the 6 feet physical distancing – about the length of a twin bed.
Send one (1) person out to go to the grocery store to get essentials for ONE week.
Utilize social media to connect socially by video streaming, Facebook live, Zoom and other apps. We know you need to socially connect but it must be at a distance for all.
Public notification of any additional positives will be released daily on the Iowa Department of Public Health website.
If you have health concerns with respiratory symptoms, you NEED to call your providers first before going to the hospital or clinics.
If you stay home NOW, we can have the summer together.
Thank you for helping to keep our communities safe.
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