Decorah Park and Rec 2020 Swimming Info
Decorah Parks and Recreation will follow guidance from the CDC and the Iowa Department of Public Health to protect swimmers, staff, and patrons.
The 2020 pool experience will be completely different in Decorah and across the nation. The health and safety of patrons and staff will be our highest priority. Below you will find a summary of actions Decorah Parks and Recreation pledges to initiate to help lower COVID-19 risk as much as possible while also allowing swimmers and patrons to enjoy the water.
All staff and swimmers will be screened and temperatures will be taken before admittance. No one with a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater will be allowed into the facility.
When not in the water all staff and patrons are encouraged to wear masks when interacting with others.
The 2020 Decorah Swimming Pool capacity will be limited to 388 people to allow for social distancing. Capacity was determined by a formula using the area of the pool and is 37% of the facility’s normal operating capacity.
The facility will be cleaned and sanitized above and beyond CDC guidelines.
Efforts will be made to help with social distancing through signage and markings that note where patrons should stand when waiting in line to enter the facility, to use diving boards and to go down the slide. Staff will mark out areas on the deck and grass to help patrons to spread out.
The Decorah Municipal Swimming Pool will be open 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm daily for public swim.
Family time has been added for this season and will run from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm daily. Children must be accompanied by an adult to come during this time. This is an excellent time for parents wishing to work on teaching some basic swimming techniques with their children or bring younger children to enjoy the pool in a quieter setting.
Lap swim and water walking hours have been expanded to safely accommodate and maximize the number of patrons served. Lane reservations will be taken online.
Season passes can be purchased online. Prices have been prorated. Daily admission prices will remain the same as previous years.
Concessions will not be provided and food will not be allowed in the pool area. Staff and patrons are encouraged to bring their own water bottle with their name on it.
Swimming lessons will not be provided by Decorah Parks and Recreation this season (this includes both private and group lessons). Effective lessons require close contact between instructors and participants, which is not feasible while social distancing.
Pool parties will not be scheduled this year.
A new group of adult volunteers, Decorah Swimming Pool Ambassadors, is being formed to help Decorah Parks and Recreation navigate the pool season. The Decorah Swimming Pool Ambassadors will help pool staff by answering questions, assisting with registration at the front door and educating patrons about social distancing out on the pool deck. This will allow the life guards to concentrate on guarding. If you are interested in volunteering as part of this program please direct any offers or questions to the DPR office, 382-4158 or email parkrec@decorahia.org. Volunteers must be adults.
The status of the pool will be reviewed daily and guidelines will be updated as needed.