Contact: Joe Jayjack, jjayjack@inhf.org, 515-288-1846
Public invited to volunteer at Heritage Valley
The public is invited to join Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation on Saturday May 4, at Heritage Valley, a 1,200-acre private preserve near Decorah, for Into the Wild, Out with the Mustard!
Volunteers will hand-pull garlic mustard, one of the most invasive non-native plants in Iowa, from Heritage Valley’s woodlands. This is a great activity for everyone of all ages as garlic mustard is very easy to pull.
INHF will have fun items and tools for youth and families to enjoy while you pull garlic mustard including bird watching, sensory items and tools like magnifying lenses to help explore.
Two volunteer shifts are available, from 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. and 1-4:30 p.m. Sign up for one or spend the day with us. A bag lunch will be provided. An RSVP is required. People are encouraged to arrive early to park and check-in.
- Work gloves and water bottle
- A hiking stick, binoculars, field guide and/or camera, if you like
- Sturdy shoes or hiking boots, long pants and layers
There is no experience necessary.
- Families are welcome.
Attendees will be asked to sign a liability waiver.
There will be a port-a-potty on site.
- Terrain at Heritage Valley can be hilly and uneven. Volunteers are encouraged to work at their own pace and comfort level
INHF purchased and permanently protected Heritage Valley in 2007 and has been actively restoring and stewarding the land ever since. The property is not open to the public, but there are occasionally public events held there. Oak-hickory woodlands, secluded hills and bluffs, sun-soaked goat prairies and three miles of the Upper Iowa River are some of the amazing natural features of Heritage Valley.
Learn more and register at inhf.org/events or contact Senior Land Stewardship and Blufflands Director Brian Fankhauser at bfankhauser@inhf.org or 563-382-2008.
More Information
- Joe Jayjack, Communications Director
- 5152881846
- jjayjack@inhf.org
- More Information