318 FAIRLANE DRIVE, SUITE 5 Brandon Larson, Director
VIROQUA, WISCONSIN 54665 Telephone: (608)637-5266
Fax: (608) 637-5502
Brandon Larson, Director of Vernon County Emergency Management
County Office Building Restrictions
Viroqua, WI, March 17th, 2020-
In an effort to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, and create social distancing, effective Tuesday,
March 17th at 4:30pm all Vernon County buildings will be closed to the public. Starting
Wednesday, March 18th at 8:30am a number of Vernon County employees will be working
remotely, consistent with continuity of operations plans that have been developed. The plans
were recently updated as Coronavirus emerged as a global pandemic. Countywide, wherever
possible a number of county employees will have the technical capability to work outside of an
office setting and, effective today, are beginning to reduce face to face human contact. This will
help provide social distancing at work consistent with public health recommendations. Using
prevention, we can slow the spread of the disease and protect the most vulnerable.
There will also be County staff present and working in the County buildings. Vernon County
officials are encouraging people to conduct business with County Departments via phone and
email when possible. If you need to meet with a county department you are asked to call ahead
and make an appointment with that department. A list of department phone numbers can be
found below, and also on our website www.vernoncounty.org
Aging and Disability- 608-637-5201 Child Support- 608-637-5335
Circuit Court- 608-637-5364
Clerk of Courts- 608-637-5340
County Clerk- 608-637-5280
District Attorney- 608-637-5357
Emergency Management- 608-637-5266
Health Department- 608-637-5251
Highway Department- 608-637-5452
Human Services- 608-637-5210
Information Technology- 608-637-5375
Land and Water Conservation- 608-637-
Personnel- 608-637-5303
Register of Deeds- 608-637-5371
Resource and Community Development608-637-5379
Sheriff- 608-637-2123
Solid Waste and Recycling- 608-634-2900
Treasurer- 608-637-5367
UW Extension- 608-637-5276
Vernon Manor- 608-637-5400
Veterans Service- 608-637-5323
Zoning and Sanitation- 608-637-5270
If you would like more information please contact the Vernon County Emergency Management
office at 608-637-5266 or the Health Department at 608-637-5251.