The US Coast Guard Auxiliary Announces the Spring Boating Safely Course Schedule.
In Prairie du Chien on April 27, 2019 8AM to 5PM at the Prairie du Chien City Library 125 S Wacouta Ave. Prairie du Chien.
In Guttenberg on May 18, 2019 8AM to 5PM at the Guttenberg Marina and Visitors Center 715 S River Park Dr Guttenberg, IA
This 8 hour course provides basic training in the safe operation of watercraft including vessel familiarization, rules of the road, federal and state boating laws and safety on the water and is designed for ALL ages.
This course qualifies for the Wisconsin or Iowa DNR Boating Safety Certificate
NOTE: Boater education is required in Wisconsin for anyone born after January 1, 1989 to operate a vessel including a personal watercraft (PWC). In Iowa it is required of anyone age 12 to 17 years old to operate a boat of more than 10 horsepower or a PWC. Students must be at least 12 years of age to attend. Class starts promptly at 8AM, there is a $20.00 materials fee for the course. Bring your lunch as we will work through the noon hour.
Please pre-register by contacting, Joanie Dickerson at 608-996-2152, Art Sullivan at 319-290-6403 or any member of the Prairie du Chien Flotilla, US Coast Guard Auxiliary. Registration for the Guttenberg class may also be made by contacting the Guttenberg Marine and RV Center (563)255-1949
Think you are too old or experienced to take such a class? Think again, you can always learn something that could save a life; your family, yours or someone else’s.
Established by Congress in 1939 the US Coast Guard Auxiliary is the all-volunteer uniformed component of the US Coast Guard. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact A J Sullivan at 319-290-6403 or Roger Richter at 608-732-1253
More Information
- Joanie Dickerson,
- 608-996-2152