Tips for Managing Electric Use During COVID-19
Cresco, IA | Rushford, MN (10 a.m. April 8, 2020)— As local families and businesses transition to remote-work and distance learning, they may see a surge in home energy use – and in upcoming electric bills.
“MiEnergy Cooperative understands the increased financial hardships facing families and businesses due to the economic impact of COVID-19,” said Brian Krambeer, president/CEO. “If you are having difficulty paying your electric bill, please give us a call so we can set up a payment plan. We will work through this together.”
Simple money-saving steps can help lower monthly electric bills without jeopardizing safety or comfort. It’s important for families to be mindful of their energy use and consider adjusting certain habits to avoid higher costs later on.
Recommended energy-saving tips include:
- Program your thermostat to maximize energy savings. Setting your thermostat one degree lower when heating or one degree higher when cooling can reduce energy use by up to 5%.
- Do full loads of laundry and wash with cold water. Using warm water instead of hot can cut a load’s energy use in half and using cold water will save even more.
- Air dry dishes. This step can cut your dishwasher’s energy use by up to 50%.
- Substitute LEDs for conventional light bulbs. Lighting can amount to up to 12% of monthly energy use. LED bulbs can cut lighting costs by 75%.
- Unplug appliances and electronics when not in use. Small appliances and electronics use energy even when not in use. When powered on, game consoles, televisions and similar electronics are responsible for up to 12% of energy use.
The cooperative’s website, www.MiEnergy.coop, has online energy use guides available including 101 Easy Ways to Save Energy and Money. Another tool for members of MiEnergy is SmartHub. Creating an account allows users to track their hourly, daily, monthly and yearly electric use. Find it online at www.MiEnergy.coop or search for SmartHub where apps are downloaded.
MiEnergy Cooperative is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative and is the result of a merger between Hawkeye REC, of Cresco, Iowa and Tri-County Electric Cooperative, of Rushford, Minn. in 2017. It maintains 5,500 miles of power lines covering most of Fillmore, Houston and Winona counties in Minnesota and Chickasaw, Howard and Winneshiek counties in Iowa. The cooperative also serves small pockets bordering those counties. It provides electricity to more than 18,800 members in northeastern Iowa and southeastern Minnesota. MiEnergy is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.