Support local healthcare heroes during national day of giving on May 5
As the life-threatening COVID-19 pandemic reaches our communities, the need for support has never been greater.
#GivingTuesdayNow on May 5, 2020, is a new day of giving to meet the unprecedented needs caused by COVID-19.
You can join the global effort by supporting small businesses, connecting with those isolated due to the pandemic or supporting the healthcare heroes in your community with a gift to Gundersen Medical Foundation.
Generous donations to Gundersen Medical Foundation support our frontline workers caring for your community by:
- Equipping them with protective equipment and supplies to provide safe care to patients
- Assisting them with critical resources and support during the crisis
- Advancing cutting-edge medical research on COVID-19 conducted in Gundersen Medical Foundation research labs
- Providing meals and coffee
Gundersen Medical Foundation is partnering with the La Crosse Media Group for a Radiothon on May 5 to support COVID-19 response efforts. Tune in to hear from local frontline healthcare heroes and learn more on how to give.