Mabel-Canton Schools- During the school closure related to the COVID-19 VIRUS, FREE cold sack Breakfast and Lunches are available to ANY child ages 0-18 years old, no matter what school they attend. Please contact Jane Hall at jhall@mabelcanton.org or TEXT ONLY 507-272-9363
De Soto School District- School buses will be delivering the meals which may also come with homework assignments, and educational materials. “Go Bags” will also be available at Stoddard Elementary, De Soto Middle/High School, and Prairie View Elementary for parent or student pick-up between 7:30-8:30 a.m. weekday mornings.
Seneca School District- Click on the link to order meals for your children. It is currently set up through April 3rd. We will add additional dates if the closure continues. Please take advantage of this even if you feel your family does not NEED it. It’s great for our school and will provide some normalcy and familiarity to the children. https://forms.gle/Bwn59JyoyNMLS3ew8
Allamakee Community School District Waukon, IA- Grab N’ Go Meals for all children 18 and under. Drive-Thru Pick Up Meal Services at Waukon Middle School.
Breakfast 7:30am-8:30 am
Lunch 11:30 am-12:30 pm
Monday through Friday March 20, 2020 until school reopens
Postville School Distrcit Postville, IA- Grab-n-Go School Lunches from 11:30-12:00 for all K-12 students at the Elementary building. Please bring your backpack or plastic grocery sack to carry out your meals.
Eastern Allamakee School District Lansing & New Albin, IA- Grab & Go lunch for all children 18 and younger. Pick up between 11:30-1230 Monday-Friday. Lunch available at Lansing and New Albin Centers.
MFL MAR-MAC School District- Grab & Go Breakfast and Lunch for children at all communities which will be served by our district. These are FREE meals offered to all children 18 years of age and younger. Students in need of Grab & Go Meals are invited to pick up at the designated locations listed below at 8 a.m. and noon, Monday – Friday, during the shutdown.
School Lunchroom
In front of McGregor Public Library
Breezy Point Shelter
Marquette Bench Diamond/Park
Marquette Under Bridge Park Parking Lot
City Park
St. John’s Lutheran Church Parking Lot
St. John’s Lutheran Church Parking Lot
Park by Post Office
School Lunchroom
Community Center Parking Lot
Howard-Winneshiek School District Cresco, IA- Students will continue to receive both their school breakfast and lunch. Complete this form if you want school breakfast and lunch meals during the COVID-19 school closing. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/hwcovid19
South Winneshiek School District- Grab and Go” meals will be available beginning Monday, March March 23, and distributed on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 12:00-12:30. Meals will be distributed throughout the district in Calmar, Festina, Ossian and Spillville.
Calmar – South Winneshiek High School (southside by the high school office)
Festina – Festina Community Center
Ossian – east/back door of the St. Teresa of Calcutta School
Spillville – Spillville School parking lot
Register here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfx4EWyr9tlVPuG9HhIWDA5P_1ORSfdPpjmQz8PnbHyzwNhCg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1
Turkey Valley Schools- Free meals for children 18 and under. Carry out breakfast and lunch will be provided. No identification or proof of school enrollment is required.
Curbside pick up at these locations:
Lawler- In front of library- Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 11-11:30AM
Fort Atkinson- Community Center- Monday, Wednesday. Friday. 11-11:30AM
Protivin- Post Office- Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 11:45-12:15PM
St. Lucas- Church Parking Lot- Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 11-11:30AM
Waucoma- City Park- Monday, wednesday, Friday. 11:45-12:15PM
New Hampton School District- Drop off/pick up lunches and breakfast will begin on Wednesday, March 18th, at locations throughout the district from 11:30-12:30. Contact the school to sign up your child/children. If you have children who are not in school yet, meals can also be provided.
- New Hampton-Mikkelson Park and Elementary Playground
- Ionia- City Park
- Alta Vista- City Parking Lot
- North Washington-Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Parking Lot
- Jerico- Jerico Jo’s
- Hwy 63/18 Junction- Parking lot next to Ameritec
Caledonia School District- Caledonia Area Public Schools will be providing free bag meals during the mandated COVID-19 school closure. Bag meals will be offered starting Thursday, March 19th thru March 27th.
Caledonia Area Elementary School will be between 11:00-12:30 Monday through Friday
Drive into parking lot off Main Street and wait by the red cone for a staff person to bring the bags to your vehicle, please exit the parking/playground onto Grove Street.
Eitzen ——- Bus will be there about 11:30 near City Hall
Freeberg ——-Bus will be there about 11:30 near Community Center
Brownsville ——Bus will be there about 11:30 near City Hall/Community Center
Spring Grove Schools- FREE Meals are available for children 18 and under. Parents, if you haven’t already, please complete the survey so that we have a good idea of the number of meals to plan for. https://forms.gle/iQsQ975eJ21AyuaS8
When you pick up meals you might want to bring a reusable bag and a small cooler for cold items.
North Crawford School District- Meal deliveries within the district. Please put a cooler near your front door for us to leave the food in. Contact Jen Kapinus at jkapinus@ncrawford.k12.wi.us or 608-735-7213.