The CARES Act expands the U.S. Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, allowing them to offer a loan advance of up to $10,000 which is available within 3 days of a successful application. The loan advance will provide economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing a temporary loss of revenue. This loan advance will not have to be repaid if the money is used to maintain payroll, mortgage or lease payments, increased costs due to supply chain disruption, or the repayment of obligations that cannot be met due to revenue losses from the COVID-19 pandemic. Note: Some sources, including internal SBA documents, have called this an “Emergency Grant”. However, this program is officially called an advance on the EIDL that doesn’t have to be repaid if spent on eligible expenses. You can apply here: https://covid19relief.sba.gov/#/
During today’s press conference, Governor Reynolds stated that she will be sitting down with her team later today to discuss further funding opportunities, including more requests from the Iowa Economic Development Authority and steps Iowa can take to offer aid that supports provisions already established by the CARES Act. She stated that she anticipates allocating more funds to the small business relief fund. More on this as it develops.
From the U.S. Census Bureau:
“At the present time, field operations for the 2020 Census are postponed until the Coronavirus threat ends. When it is over the Census will be needing workers to help insure that all citizens are counted so that the county receives the most funding benefits. Several workers are still needed.
Please help us spread the word that we are still recruiting workers. This is a great part-time temporary job with flexible hours (15-20 hours per week) and pays $17.50 per hour and 57 1/2 cents per mile travel reimbursement. Work is in the local area. This is a good opportunity for retired people, college students, graduating high school seniors and those who would just like some extra income. All applications are accepted on line by going to: www.2020census.gov/jobs.”
I have learned of a relief fund for restaurant workers, created by a partnership between two Houston, TX organizations: The Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation and the Southern Smoke Foundation. Though based in Texas, they state that their funding is not limited to any specific state. You can read their FAQ here: https://www.restaurantworkerscf.org/covid19faq
And you can apply here: https://form.southernsmoke.org/smoke/application/
A citizen of Lansing created a list of important American books, authors, movies, directors, and artists. If you’ve been looking for entertainment to help you get through social distancing, this list can provide plenty of great options for you! You can see the list at this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-21FkE_9QuNE0np5wwAO_1kD0FkPjbNh
Andy KelleherExecutive Director, Main Street Lansing563-538-9229P.O. Box 307, Lansing, IA 52151