New Hampton’s Emma Rosonke wins trip to D.C.
Winner of “Living with Energy in Iowa” essay contest highlights MiEnergy Cooperative
Cresco, IA | Rushford, MN (8 a.m. May 6, 2020)— Emma Rosonke was selected as a finalist in MiEnergy Cooperative’s Youth Tour Contest in March. She was preparing to compete in the interview portion where the winner receives an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. with 1,900 electric cooperative-sponsored students from across the U.S. But, COVID-19 struck. MiEnergy canceled its interviews and trip amid uncertainty. A few weeks later the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association canceled the 2020 Youth Tour.
Even though there will not be a trip this summer, MiEnergy is happy to announce Rosonke as the essay winner of the “Living with Energy in Iowa” Youth Tour Contest. The Iowa publication runs an annual contest for Iowa youth to double their chances of winning a trip by entering the magazine’s contest right after they enter the one for their electric co-op. Her prize was to be a trip to this year’s Youth Tour, but due to its cancellation she has accepted the opportunity to attend the 2021 Youth Tour.
Students completed an entry form and were asked to provide a short (250-word maximum) essay in response to this statement: Pick one of the seven cooperative principles and share how your local electric cooperative embodies it.
The following is Rosonke’s essay:
“MiEnergy Electric Cooperative not only embodies the principle of concern for the community but rather puts it at the forefront of their decision-making process. MiEnergy has given over $4.4 million to local Iowa communities, enhancing economic growth and development in these communities, while creating jobs and brightening lives. With a strong commitment to rural economies, my cooperative is working to make Northeast Iowa a prosperous place. An example of this is Operation Round Up, where paying members are able to round up their monthly payments. Money generated from Operation Round Up goes back to community services. This past fall a donation was given to a church in Ridgeway in order to purchase an AED unit and in St. Lucas the local fire department was given a check to fund the construction of their new station. MiEnergy also focuses on the youth, their future customers, by providing students with scholarships and opportunities such as the Youth Tour trip. Participating in Halloween candy drives and Holiday light tours, are two of the many ways MiEnergy showcases their devotion to even the smallest of energy consumers. MiEnergy not only works diligently with adolescents in their area communities but also offers volunteer opportunities to their devoted members. Through project Green Touch, MiEnergy promotes the health of communities, by hosting conservation days at State Parks. MiEnergy embodies the principle of concern for the community by donating funds, giving to services in need, contributing to their future clients, and by positively impacting the environment.”
Emma is a junior at New Hampton High School. She is the daughter of Allen and Nicole Rosonke, members of MiEnergy.
MiEnergy Cooperative is a member-owned electric distribution cooperative and is the result of a merger between Hawkeye REC, of Cresco, Iowa and Tri-County Electric Cooperative, of Rushford, Minn. in 2017. It maintains 5,500 miles of power lines covering most of Fillmore, Houston and Winona counties in Minnesota and Chickasaw, Howard and Winneshiek counties in Iowa. The cooperative also serves small pockets bordering those counties. It provides electricity to more than 18,800 members in northeastern Iowa and southeastern Minnesota. MiEnergy is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.