As COVID-19 spreads, our top priority at MiEnergy Cooperative is to keep our employees safe in order to continue to provide reliable power and service to members. Below are important precautions that are being taken.
- Steps have been taken to enable employees to work from home. Employees with positions that require them to be at work have been given guidelines on reducing exposure to each other and to practice social distancing.
- All employees have been asked to take precautions to reduce possible exposure to COVID-19 outside of the workplace.
- The offices in Cresco and Rushford were closed to the public on March 18. Employees continue to take phone calls and respond to emails and mail.
- Member attendance for the annual meeting scheduled for April 22 is cancelled. Elections will continue as planned. Members in District 1 are encouraged to cast their ballot by mail or electronically by the deadlines supplied with the ballot information.
- Planned outages have been limited to avoid a conflict with members working from home.
- Disconnection of service due to nonpayment has been postponed at this time.
As members spend more time at home, being energy efficient now will help avoid higher electric bills later. One tool to help track energy use is SmartHub. Find it online at www.mienergy.coop or search for SmartHub where apps are downloaded. SmartHub also allows for online payments. The co-op’s website has online energy use guides and the newly added online Electric$ense site for delivering energy efficiency to your door.
The co-op understands that members will face financial hardships due to COVID-19 and encourages members to call the office to discuss payment options and possible utility assistance programs if they are in this situation. Members looking for a way to help their neighbors can contribute to the co-op’s RECare program that assists members in paying their electric bills.
Your local electric cooperative is prepared to continue delivering safe, reliable power during the pandemic. If you have any questions or concerns, please call 1-800-432-2285.
Wishing you safety and good health,
Brian Krambeer, President/CEO
Dean Nierling, Chair