Drive-up or walk-up window will be open regular hours
ATM’s accept deposits and provide cash withdrawals
Online and Mobile Banking: view your balances, transactions and statements
Online applications for residential real estate, credit card, and checking/savings accounts
Deposit Checks by means of our Mobile App: snap a picture of your check to deposit into your
Kerndt Brothers Bank account
Set-up direct deposit to have peace of mind knowing your paycheck is in your account
Pay your bills through Online and Mobile Banking
Bank by mail
Drop your deposit in the Night Drop
As of March 19, 2020
Kerndt Brothers Bank values the health of its staff and customers. We continue to monitor
recommendations from health agencies, and, for that reason, regular lobby access will be temporarily
If you need access to the lobby to enter your safe deposit box or meet with a banker please call your
local branch to make arrangements for a convenient time.
The bank offers many banking channels that enable our customers to meet their financial needs:
Many services to accommodate 24 hours a day:
We continue to monitor the situation and may make changes to this schedule. A current schedule will
be maintained at www.kerndtbrothers.com and Kerndt Brothers Facebook site.
America’s financial foundation is dependent on its banks’ service to the community. Kerndt Brothers
Bank intends to remain open and serve its communities.
Thank you,
Jim Kerndt