Dear 4-H and FFA Families,
On March 26, the Iowa State 4-H office canceled all sheep and goat weigh-ins. The weigh-in scheduled for May 2 is now canceled. We take serving Iowans seriously, and we are prioritizing the health and safety of our community and staff.
We will still have a market lamb and goat show, but there will be no rate of gain contest. All market lambs and goats will be ear tagged by exhibitors. There will be no charge for tags this year.
An exhibitor letter with tagging instructions will be sent in the next two weeks. Please wait for this letter with instructions on how to ID your animals. In the meantime, be sure you are enrolled in 4HOnline and have the sheep and/or meat goat project area selected. FFA members, be sure you are in good standing with your chapter.
If you are exhibiting 4-H sheep/goats at the Iowa State Fair, please contact Angie at aksperf@iastate.edu to arrange retinal imaging.
If you are exhibting State Fair FFA sheep/goats, please contact your advisor.
Throughout this process, we are here to help. Our office is closed to walk-ins, but we are staffing the phones from 8:00 AM- 4:30 PM, Mon-Fri, 563-382-2949 or you can reach Angie by email at aksperf@iastate.edu. We appreciate your understanding and willingness to overcome this bump in the road.