During today’s press conference, Governor Reynolds announced that effective May 15 all restrictions that were lifted in the 77 are expanded statewide (meaning restaurants and fitness centers can open at 50% capacity). Additionally, salons, spas, and barbershops are allowed to open statewide, as long as they follow certain guidelines (guidelines which I haven’t seen yet). Bars and casinos will remain closed.
The Governor’s office is typically slow to publish the relevant proclamation, so I haven’t seen the official text yet. However, I wanted to send this out to you. Reading Article 1 from the April 27th proclamation (which lifted restrictions in the 77 counties) will provide some idea of what today’s proclamation will say: https://governor.iowa.gov/press-release/gov-reynolds-signs-new-proclamation-continuing-the-state-public-health-emergency-0
Some general guidance for businesses to follow was discussed during the press conference. Some statements included:
Ensure frequent cleaning, sanitizing establishments
Ensure hand washing and sanitizing supplies are available for customers and staff
Provide visual reminders for staff and customers to stay 6-feet away from others.
Allow or require the use of masks or face coverings
Develop appropriate leave policies and allowing staff to stay home when they are ill or have been in close proximity to a confirmed case.
Ask customers not to enter if they have been in close proximity to a confirmed case in the last 14 days, or if they themselves are not feeling well.