Houston County Resource List
Last updated March 24, 2020
(This list will be updated as much as possible. If you have an update, please email
olivia.denney@co.houston.mn.us or comment on the post at the top of the Houston County Emergency
Management Facebook page. The post will be updated as much as possible. Also check that post for the
most recent updates.)
What You Need to Know:
may be attributed to COVID-19. Stay home at least 7 days after symptoms go away, or at
least 3 days after your fever leaves.
Mayo Clinic: If you are showing any sign of possible COVID-19 symptoms, please contact
your local health provider. Your provider or a nurse will direct you to our dedicated
COVID-19 Nurse Line.
Gundersen: Call your primary care provider or call our Telephone Nurse Advisors (24/7,
365): 608-775-4454 or 800-858-1050.
Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) COVID-19 Hotlines (open 7 am – 7 pm)
o Health questions: 651-201-3920 or 1-800-657-3903
o Community mitigation (schools, childcare, businesses) questions: 651-297-1304
or 1-800-657-3504
o DHS Crisis Text Line: https://mn.gov/dhs/partners-and-providers/policiesprocedures/adult-mental-health/crisis-textline/?fbclid=IwAR2CswzUGQbZIbt9z7AiiTodj5VD2BNWvW6MqnBWBFcQEhEf4P3
Minnesota Unemployment: https://www.uimn.org/applicants/needtoknow/newsupdates/covid-19.jsp?fbclid=IwAR1-
Minnesota Workers’ Rights and Protections: https://www.dli.mn.gov/workers/workerrights-and-protections?fbclid=IwAR2_8za_hgf_ZDGGOFtlMke5cwkTUe-xgOT0Us–
MNSURE deadlines have been extended until April 21 due to the situation.
Services & Businesses Information Table of Contents
Houston County 3
Brownsville 4
Caledonia 5
Eitzen 7
Freeburg 7
Hokah 8
Houston 9
La Crescent 10
Spring Grove 12
Houston County Offices Information
Houston County Board of Commissioner Chair Eric Johnson has declared a health
emergency, which will be ratified by the full board on March 24. This allows the county
government to proceed with emergency measures regarding COVID-19.
Effective Friday, March 20, the County Courthouse, Highway Department, and
Community Services Center will be closed to walk-in public access, though all offices
will remain open for business. Face-to-face service is by appointment only, with
preferred methods of communication being phone, email, or mail. There is a drop-box
located near the Courthouse west entrance for applications, license plate renewals, and
tax payments.
The Detention Center has suspended public fingerprinting services, programming
services for inmates, inmate work crew activities, and jail/dispatch tours. Access to the
visitation room may be limited to allow social distancing, but visitation process and
hours will function as normal. The front lobby window remains open for business.
The Houston County Third Judicial District Court is following state guidance on
scheduling and encourages parties to call 507-725-5806 before coming to court or to
receive scheduling clarification. Super high and high priority cases will continue to be
heard. Please refer to www.mncourts.gov for more information.
Drop sites will remain open on the regular schedule with the following changes in
operations. Drop Site employees have been instructed not to assist customers with
unloading and customers will be asked to remain outside drop site buildings to avoid
person-to-person contact. The drop sites will only accept bagged trash, recyclable
plastic, tin cans, bottles and cardboard during this time. Customers will not be asked to
sign receipts. Residents are encouraged to avoid unnecessary trips to drop sites, if
disposal of an item is not urgent, please postpone it.
The Houston County Historical Society Museum & Research Center is CLOSED until
further notice.
Essential Services:
Located at the City Hall/Community Center, bus will be there around 11:30 Monday –
Friday. Caledonia Area Public Schools will be providing free bag meals during the
mandated COVID-19 school closure. Bag meals will be offered starting March 19th thru
March 27th. The sack will contain a breakfast (grain, cheese stick, fruit, juice) and a
lunch (a sandwich, fruit, vegetable, and a beverage). Any child, in your household 18
years of age or younger is eligible to receive one of these bags of meals. All bag meals
will be offered FREE of charge regardless if your student is eligible for free/reduced
meals to household members 18 and under.
Restaurants & Food:
Saxon Hall: Regular menu available as take-out and delivery. Off sale available.
o Hours: Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 5-8 pm
o Delivery must be $20 + and is limited to the city limits of Brownsville but no
gravel roads.
Essential Services:
FOOD SHELF: Donations are needed, money is preferred at this time. They are open
Tuesdays and Thursdays at normal times, and there are signs posted for instructions.
Email caledoniacc@semcac.org to make an appointment before visiting.
Caledonia City Hall, Police Station, Public Library: CLOSED until further notice. City staff
will be available by phone at 507-725-3450 and by email. Non-emergency police
assistance: 507-725-3889. Utility bills can be paid using the box outside city hall, by
calling 507-725-3450, or online through Payment Service Network, which can be
accessed through the city website. All debit/credit surcharges through phone payments
are waived.
Located at the Caledonia Elementary School between 11:00-12:30 Monday – Friday
through March 27: Caledonia Area Public Schools will be providing free bag meals
during the mandated COVID-19 school closure. Bag meals will be offered starting March
19th thru March 27th. The sack will contain a breakfast (grain, cheese stick, fruit, juice)
and a lunch (a sandwich, fruit, vegetable, and a beverage). Any child, in your
household 18 years of age or younger is eligible to receive one of these bags of meals.
All bag meals will be offered FREE of charge regardless if your student is eligible for
free/reduced meals to household members 18 and under.
Caledonia Community Giving is available with volunteers if you have needs at this time.
Contact them via facebook @Caledoniachampions or email
Mayo Clinic Caledonia will be temporarily closing to redirect resources to their COVID19 response.
Restaurants & Food:
Quillins: New Store Hours: 7 am – 7 pm, 7 days a week. 7 – 8 am is reserved for
customers in high-risk categories.
AJ’s Bar & Grill: Currently not open, check the AJ’s Bar and Grill Facebook page for most
recent updates.
Caledonia Bakery: Limiting the number of customers in the bakery at a time. You can call
to place your order and staff will bring it out to you in your car. You can also call ahead.
Normal business hours.
Chuck’s Old-Fashioned Meats: Normal hours, offering delivery arrangements after 6 pm
by calling 507-725-BEEF (2333). Need eggs? Chucks has gotten some in. Bring your own
carton – 2 dozen limit.
Elsie’s: Regular menu available as pickup and delivery, as well as daily carryout specials
(check Facebook or call for daily specials). Pickup window is the window next to the
telephone booth on the north side of the building. Frozen pizzas are now available.
Good Times Restaurant and Bar: CLOSED until further notice.
The Farmhouse Eatery & Gifts: CLOSED until further notice. E-Gift Cards Available.
Redwood Café: The Redwood Café is officially closed after 60+ years of business.
Wired Rooster: CLOSED until it’s safe and they are allowed to reopen.
The American Legion is closed until further notice.
Dollar General has dedicated its first hour of business to senior customers only.
Buckboard: Closed until further notice
Caledonia Argus: Offices closed during business hours. You can contact via Facebook,
email, or call the office at 507-724-3475. Virus-related stories posted to website free of
MAAD Alley: CLOSED through March 27th
Mary Ann’s Floral/Pine Cone Place: Closed through March 31, call for specific
Twice as Nice is closed until further notice.
Herman Dental Clinic is only open for emergencies through March 29th. If you have a
dental emergency call 507-725-3341.
Mell Chiropractic is temporarily closing until further notice.
Wiebke Tire: Call the shop at 507-725-2875 to make an appointment for URGENT needs
only. Only employees are permitted in the shop.
AcenTek is offering free broadband and WiFi internet for students and teachers who do
not currently have service with them. Call 888-404-4940 for more information.
Essential Services:
City Hall: Remaining open at this time during normal hours.
Eitzen Community Center is closed to the public until further notice. Those who have
reserved the Community Center will be contacted regarding their reservation.
Located at City Hall, the bus will be there around 11:30 Monday – Friday through
March 27. Caledonia Area Public Schools will be providing free bag meals during the
mandated COVID-19 school closure. Bag meals will be offered starting March 19th thru
March 27th. The sack will contain a breakfast (grain, cheese stick, fruit, juice) and a
lunch (a sandwich, fruit, vegetable, and a beverage). Any child, in your household 18
years of age or younger is eligible to receive one of these bags of meals. All bag meals
will be offered FREE of charge regardless if your student is eligible for free/reduced
meals to household members 18 and under.
To get signed up for meals on wheels (or to help deliver meals), call: 507-864-8228
Restaurants & Food:
Gater’s Bar & Grill is open 11:00 – 7:00 Monday through Saturday with off-sale available
during these hours.
Essential Services:
Located at the Community Center, the bus will be there around 11:30 Monday – Friday
through March 27. Caledonia Area Public Schools will be providing free bag meals
during the mandated COVID-19 school closure. Bag meals will be offered starting March
19th thru March 27th. The sack will contain a breakfast (grain, cheese stick, fruit, juice)
and a lunch (a sandwich, fruit, vegetable, and a beverage). Any child, in your
household 18 years of age or younger is eligible to receive one of these bags of meals.
All bag meals will be offered FREE of charge regardless if your student is eligible for
free/reduced meals to household members 18 and under.
Restaurants & Food:
Little Miami is open for to-go orders and off sale Wednesday-Sunday. Call 507-724-2156
to place your order.
Essential Services:
Hokah City Offices: Closed to the public until further notice. City staff will be available to
assist citizens by phone at 507-894-4990 and by email. Non-emergency city police
assistance: 507-894-4777.
Hokah Public Library: Closed to the public until further notice.
La Crescent Schools will be providing student meals. Please contact your child’s school
building office or the food service department to get on the list. This is for all students in
the community including the Montessori school and private/home school children.
Locations and times for services are:
o La Crescent Mayo Clinic lot 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
o Dresbach-By Bobcat 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
o La Crescent Pool Parking lot 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
o High School Parking lot 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
o Hokah Fire Hall 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
o Brownsville Community Center 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
To get signed up for meals on wheels or to volunteer to deliver, call: 507-864-8228.
Hokah Firefighters Association Gun Raffle: Postponed until May 16, 2020 at 7:00 pm at
Hokah City Hall.
Essential Services:
City Hall: Closed to the public until further notice. Drop off your city payments in the
drop box to the right of the door. Call the office at 507-896-4033 if you need assistance.
Community Center, Nature Center: Closed until further notice.
The Houston Library is closed. However, they are offering contactless curbside pick=up
for items ordered online, by phone, or by email at the front of the building. Call 896-
7323 or email hpublib@gmail.com with questions for concerns. Order online at
www.houston.lib.mn.us. You will need your library card number and pin to order – call
if you need assistance.
Student Lunches: Houston Schools will be providing meal bundles (breakfast, lunch,
snack). To sign up for the meal bundle or just lunch (typical meal prices), call 507-896-
5323, option 8. State your name, names of children for whom you want meals, if you
want lunch or the meal bundle, which weekdays you’d like it prepared, the time
between 10:00 – 1:00 you can pick up OR the need for delivery due to lack of
transportation or medical fragility and give your address.
To get signed up for meals on wheels or to volunteer to deliver, call: 507-864-8228.
The Houston County Food Shelf is open normal hours.
Restaurants & Food:
Barista’s Coffee House: All orders are made to go.
o Hours: Monday – Friday 6:30 until 1:30; Saturday and Sunday 7 am – 2 pm
JT’s Bar & Grill is open for takeout only.
Subzero Pizza is open with curbside service.
River Valley Convenience is open with to go service available.
The American Legion is closed until further notice.
Valley High Golf Club: Closed until March 28.
Nesler Auto Repair office is closed to the public. They are only taking prescheduled
vehicle repairs for non-routine maintenance. Keys can be placed in the drop box as well
as knocking on the shop door for a mechanic to come and assist.
Houston Nature Center indoor exhibits are closed until further notice.
La Crescent
Essential Services:
FOOD SHELF: Open Wednesdays 2-5 and 2nd Saturday of the month 9 – noon (normal
hours) at the curb of the new location: 436 South 6th Street (former Pam’s Hair Salon
building just south of the elementary school). They are providing pre-packed bags of
food. New phone number is 507-895-1115. If you would like to donate financially, write
your check to “La Crescent Food Shelf” and mail it to the HCP Center at 333 Main Street,
La Crescent, MN 55947 or give online at https://givemn.org/story/LaCrescentFoodShelf
City Hall: After 5:00 PM on Wednesday, March 18, offices will be closed to the public.
Staff will be on hand to answer questions via phone. Main office line: 507-895-2595. For
other numbers, visit the City of La Crescent Facebook page or the city website. You may
place water payments in the dropbox outside the front door. Permits can be done
online via the city website. You can renew your license plate tabs online at
La Crescent Public Library is closed to the public until further notice. Service by phone
and email will be available at lcr_dire@selco.info and 507-895-4047.
La Crescent Schools will be providing student meals. Please contact your child’s school
building office or the food service department to get on the list. This is for all students in
the community including the Montessori school and private/home school children.
Locations and times for services are:
o La Crescent Mayo Clinic lot 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
o Dresbach-By Bobcat 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
o La Crescent Pool Parking lot 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
o High School Parking lot 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
o Hokah Fire Hall 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
o Brownsville Community Center 10:30 – 11:30 AM 4:30 – 6:00PM
La Crescent Senior Dining is offering delivery only to all clients. You can sign up to be on
the delivery route or to help volunteer by calling 507-864-8231.
To get on the meals on wheels list or to volunteer to deliver, please call 507-895-6585.
As of 3/18, Apple Express is still operating normally. Visit La Crosse MTU Facebook page
for the most up to date information.
Restaurants & Food:
Swing Bridge Pub is closed until Friday. They will go day-by-day. Check their Facebook
page for the most up to date information.
Schmitty’s TimeOut Tavern: offering full menu carryout service by calling 507-895-4239.
o Hours: 11 am – 1:30 pm, 4:30 – 8 pm.
Sports Hub Bar & Grill: open for carry-out with a full menu from 11 am – 8 pm. Off-sale
beer & liquor available. Call 507-895-2715 to place your order.
Kaddy’s Café: Open normal hours for take-out/curbside pickup. Call 507-895-2900 to
place your order. Daily specials on the Kaddy’s Café Facebook page.
o Hours: 6 am – 2 pm daily, 4 – 8 pm Friday night.
Corky’s Pizza: Open regular hours for carry-out only. Call 507-895-6996 to place your
Chamber of Commerce office is closed to the public. April 2nd Trivia Night is cancelled.
Spring Grove
Essential Services:
During the mandated school closure, Spring Grove Schools will be serving free meals
(breakfast and lunch) to all children under the age of 18. Meals will be grab n’ go. Pick
up times are between 11:00 – 12:30 on regularly scheduled school days. You can pick up
at Door 1 of the school or at Viking Memorial Park, either at the white school van or at
the log cabin. If you would like your child to receive meals, please fill out the survey
here: https://forms.gle/ZpmPafiwt6scQeg6A
Spring Grove City Hall is closed to the public until further notice. Payments can be left in
the drop box next to the front door or by the back garage. If you have questions or
need assistance, please call 507-498-5221. Staff will be available 8-5 Monday through
Friday. Public restrooms at the log cabin and fest building are closed until further notice.
To get on the meals on wheels list or to volunteer to deliver, please call: 507-498-3385.
If you need more resources about what is available and community happenings, please
check out the Caring For Our Neighbors, Spring Grove Area Facebook page.
Restaurants & Food:
Doc’s Blue Moose is closed temporarily due to the severity of the pandemic.
Ivy Grove Café is open regular hours with carry out orders ONLY. Call 507-498-5450 to
The Lounge in The Corner is off-sale only from 12 pm – 10 pm through March 27.
Red’s IGA will shop for you. You can get same-day orders if you place your order by 3 pm
weekdays, otherwise they will end up on the next week’s list (not occurring on
weekends). Email order@shopreds.com or use Facebook messenger to place you order.
You can snap a picture or type your order. Do NOT call in large orders of items. Include a
pick up time and phone number (please give them an hour to gather items). Please call
507-498-5484 to notify staff once you arrive to pick up your order. Park on the north
parking lot side (Jo’s Coffee House).
Spring Grove Soda Pop: Call 507-498-3424 or order through their website at
www.springgrovesodapop.com to place your order for curbside pick up. Ring the bell
and they’ll take care of you.
Spring Grove Cinema is closed until further notice.