Decorah, IA—As of Tuesday, March 24, 2020, Hometown Taxi will be open for delivery services and essential medical rides only, due to COVID-19 (coronavirus).
Hours will be Monday through Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Delivery cost within Decorah is $5 and from Wal-Mart is $6. Discounts for seniors and people with disabilities still apply. Call 563-382-3155 for services, and check Facebook or hometowntaxidecorah.com for possible changes in delivery open hours.
“Since the fall of 1987, Hometown Taxi has been open every week in every type weather to serve our community with safe and friendly transportation to work, to medical appointments, to grocery stores, and to social events,” Scot Idstrom, Hometown Taxi partner said. “It’s terribly difficult for us to have to reduce our services at this time, but it’s the responsible thing to do to keep our riders and the rest of the community safe,” he continued.
“We wish our community of riders well and want to continue supporting them with this delivery service. We hope to resume our regular schedule sometime in the near future,” Idstrom said.
Hometown Taxi is a partnership owned and operated by Scot Idstrom, Ian Miller, Heidi Olstad, Ketel Paulsen, Eric Paulson, Daniel Rotto, Eric VanVliet, and Craig Witt.