In response to COVID-19, Hacker Nelson & Co., P.C. is
implementing precautionary procedures to keep you and our
employees healthy. Limiting personal contact is one of the
recommended methods of safety to mitigate and slow the
spread of the virus.
Hacker Nelson & Co. is now providing a Tax Information Drop
Off Service at our offices in lieu of offering in-person client
appointments and services.
Drop off hours are limited to 8:30 – 9:30 am and 12:30 – 1:30
pm Monday through Saturday.
Please leave your tax information in one of the tubs inside the
lobby of the office and an employee will secure your tax
information in a timely manner. You are welcome to request a
phone appointment at 563.382.3637 or by emailing
info@hackernelson.com this tax season. Also, if you want to
submit your information digitally, email
info@hackernelson.com and we will send a secure link.
Be assured that we are closely monitoring any developments
and its effects on taxpayers. We anticipate the IRS will extend
the tax filing deadline beyond April 15; however, this is not
confirmed at this time.
If you are a payroll client, please contact Hacker Nelson to
make communication arrangements at 563.382.3637.
Thank you for your understanding,
Your Hacker Nelson Team