April 6, 2020
Governor Reynolds orders campgrounds, cabins, yurts and playgrounds close temporarily
DES MOINES, Iowa — In a proactive effort to prevent further spread of Covid-19, this morning Governor Reynolds signed a proclamation closing all public campgrounds, cabins and yurts temporarily, as well as all outdoor playgrounds through April 30.
The proclamation goes into effect at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. Those with reservations will be contacted directly by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources’ Parks, Forests and Preserves Bureau.
State Parks, Forests and Preserves remain open during this time for day use opportunities, but visitors are reminded to strictly abide the social distancing rules and not gather in groups. Remember to stay home if you feel sick, wash your hands regularly, avoid touching your face, and bring supplies from home including disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer and other hygiene products. All restroom facilities, including pit latrines and port-a-potties, are closed until April 30 as well.
Governor Reynolds’ and the DNR’s top priority is the health and well-being of our visitors, volunteers and staff. Thank you for your patience and flexibility during this time. We appreciate your support of the Department and our state parks as we all work together to keep everyone safe.
These closures will be reevaluated in the future to determine if an extension is necessary.
For more information on State Park closures visit: https://www.iowadnr.gov/Places-toGo/State-Parks/Alerts-and-Closures.For more information on what the Iowa DNR is doing to respond to Covid-19 and what is being impacted, visit: https://www.iowadnr.gov/AboutDNR/Covid-19.
More Information
- Alex Murphy, DNR Director of Communications
- (515) 729-7533
- Alex.Murphy@dnr.iowa.gov