April 17, 2020
Kristina Wiltgen, Executive Director
Fareway DonatesMore Than $200,000 to Support
Small Businesses and Their Employees
Fareway Stores, Inc. recently announced a $200,000 donation to the Iowa Chamber of Commerce Executives
(ICCE). The donation provided for $1,000 or more in gift cards to ICCE chamber of commerce members in the
communities Fareway serves.
ICCE distributed the Fareway gift cards to its chamber of commerce members. The Decorah Area Chamber of
Commerce received $2,000 in gift cards, which will be distributed to employees of local businesses.
“Local chambers have the pulse in each community and how best to serve its small business members during this
time of need,” said Fareway President and CEO Reynolds W. Cramer. “We hope this relief reduces some of the
stress our community business partners are facing.”
A Google Form has been created to allow local businesses to nominate an employee that would benefit from
Fareway’s gift. “The nomination period will end on Friday, April 24th at 12 p.m.” said DACC Executive Director
Kristina Wiltgen. “We know many employees and their families are facing hardship due to changes in employment.
We want to get the gift cards to them as soon as possible.”
“Our members work diligently every day to strengthen communities throughout Iowa,” said ICCE Executive
Director Lane Till. “Through this generous donation from Fareway, our members will have the ability to help
support the small businesses that create the heart of each of their communities”.
Follow the movement on Facebook with #FarewayShopsLocal and visit or follow the Decorah Area Chamber of
Commerce on Facebook and online at DecorahAreaChamber.com. Call 563.382.3990 for more information.
About Fareway: Fareway Stores, Inc. is a growing Midwest grocery company currently operating 123 stores in a sixstate region. Fareway’s mission is to provide the highest quality products, while treating customers like family, and
valuing dedicated employees. Its stores are known for their unmatched, full-service meat departments, farm-fresh
produce, and exceptional to-your-car customer service. Fareway is a family-owned business, recognized as a top
10 employer in Iowa, and has more than 12,000 total employees. Visit Fareway.com for more information.
About the Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce: The DACC is a member based organization serving approximately
350 members throughout the Decorah area. Our mission is to be the trusted resource in the business community
for advocacy, collaboration, and education.