DATE: April 21, 2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Decorah Parks and Recreation Virtual Race Series
PRESS CONTACT: Erika Randall (563) 382-4158, parkrec@decorahia.org
Decorah Parks and Recreation invites runners (and walkers) of all ages, speeds and abilities to participate in a free Virtual Race Series!
The Virtual Race Series will include different race distances each week. Individuals may participate in one or all of the races. Participants should run (or walk) alone or with members of the same household. The race can take place anywhere a participant enjoys running or walking.
Participants may run or walk the required distance as many times as they want during the week, but participants should only submit their fastest completed race time. Times must be submitted by midnight on the final day of each designated race week.
Races are run on an honor system and the Decorah Parks and Recreation Department asks that participants be honest and accurate with the times they submit. Participants may contact the Decorah Park-Rec Office if they have questions or need assistance calculating the distance of a particular route.
Registration and race results should be submitted using the website link available at https://parks.decorahia.org/ for the corresponding race period. If a participant does not have internet access, results may be submitted by calling the Decorah Park-Rec Office at 563-382-4158.
Awards will be given to the top male and top female participant in each week’s race (5k, 5 mile and 10k). Weekly drawing prizes will be awarded to two randomly selected participants in the Kids 1-mile race and two randomly selected participants in each week’s respective race.
The Decorah Parks and Recreation Virtual Race Series Calendar
April 21 – April 27 (Open to submit results April 21 – April 27)
- 5k (awards to top overall male & female, all participants eligible for drawing prize)
- Kids 1 mile (all participants eligible for drawing prize)
April 28 – May 4 (Open to submit results April 28 – May 4)
- 5 mile (awards to top overall male & female, all participants eligible for drawing prize)
- Kids 1 mile (all participants eligible for drawing prize)
May 5 – May 11 (Open to submit results May 5–11)
- 10k (awards to top overall male & female, all participants eligible for drawing prize)
- Kids 1 mile (all participants eligible for drawing prize)
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