DATE: April 24, 2020
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Decorah Park-Rec. Summer Registration Temporarily Delayed
PRESS CONTACT: Judy Syverson (563) 382-4158, parkrec@decorahia.org
Decorah Parks and Recreation is delaying the start of summer registration for swim lessons and recreational activities until further notice. The department is following the orders of Governor Reynolds and the direction of the City of Decorah, Winneshiek County Public Health, the Iowa Department of Public Health and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.
Decorah Park-Rec continues to serve residents by maintaining its parks, green space and trails system, offering Activities from a Distance for kids and families to do at home and providing outdoor challenges to the community. Information about Activities from a Distance, the Explore Decorah trail scavenger hunt, and the Virtual Race Series can be found on the Decorah Park-Rec Website (https://parks.decorahia.org/) and Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/DecorahParkRec/).
Park and trail users should continue to obey social distancing guidelines.