DATE: April 6, 2020
PRESS CONTACT: Judy Syverson (563) 382-4158, parkrec@decorahia.org
Decorah Parks and Recreation encourages Decorah households and businesses to participate in the Decorah Egg Hunt Monday, April 6 thru Sunday, April 12 by creating and hanging eggs in their windows and storefronts.
Participants are invited to be creative! Eggs can be paper, cardboard, colored, large, small, or even plastic eggs hanging from a string. The goal is for eggs to be seen by walkers and those passing by in their vehicles to create a fun community-wide event in lieu of our annual Egg Hunt that has been cancelled due to COVID-19.
We hope you’ll join us in hanging eggs in windows as well as taking a walk (or drive) outside to search for eggs in your neighborhood and the Decorah community.
Use #DecorahEggHunt to share your creations with us on social media.
Optional picture attached.
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