507 W. Water St., Decorah, IA 52101
March 19, 2020
Kristina Wiltgen, Executive Director
Buy now. Shop later.
The Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to supporting the local business community. As
a community we have supported each other through many difficult times and this time will be no
The times are uncertain; the Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce’s commitment to business and
community is not. In response to COVID-19, our office is closed to the public and our in-person meetings
and programs are postponed but we will continue to provide resources, engagement and leadership.
Remember all the businesses that have donated to your clubs, events and organizations? They’re calling
in a favor. Help us answer the call. The Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce has set up a one stop shop
for all your local gift card purchases. Visit www.DecorahAreaChamber.com to support 35 (and counting!)
local businesses by purchasing gift cards.
We understand the difficulty our local businesses, and our local economy, will have in the coming
weeks or months. Many businesses are closed or operating under reduced hours or services.
Purchasing gift cards will support local business now while allowing you to shop as soon as doors are
open again.
Business hasn’t stopped, and neither has the Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce. Learn more about
how we’re supporting you and how we can support each other by
visiting www.DecorahAreaChamber.com.
The Decorah Area Chamber of Commerce mission is to be the trusted resource in the business
community for advocacy, collaboration, and education.