Press Contact: Jeremy Bril, City Engineer, 563-382-2157
City of Decorah Offering Loading of Compost and Wood Chips on 5/2 and 5/9
Decorah, IA (April 28, 2020) – The City of Decorah will be offering loading of free compost and wood chips at the City’s Yard Waste Disposal Site located on Trout Run Road. The City will have an end loader at the Yard Waste Site on Saturday, May 2nd, and Saturday, May 9th, from 8 AM to 12 PM to load compost or wood chips. The giveaway is available to residents and non-residents of the City of Decorah.
In an effort to maintain social distancing, residents should not leave their vehicles or approach the loader operator or other vehicles. The piles of wood chips and compost will be labeled with signs. Residents should drive their vehicles to the appropriate pile and wait to be loaded. Any communication with the loader operator should be done through the vehicle window.
Please contact the Street Department at 382-2157 with any questions.
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