Press Contact: Wanda Hemesath, City Clerk,Tr., PIO
Kristen Torresdal, Library Director, PIO
City of Decorah COVID Response
Decorah, IA (March 12, 2020) – The City of Decorah is taking all steps necessary to ensure the continuation of all public services during this time of potential health concern.
Staff shall follow specific procedures to help limit the exposure or spread of COVID19 within their respective departments and the City overall.
The City will work in cooperation with and follow the direction of Winneshiek County Public Health and the Winneshiek Emergency Preparedness Coalition in taking all necessary steps to provide for public safety and the continuation of City services.
The City will continue to update the public with changes as they occur. Public information releases will be accomplished by press releases to radio, newspaper and other public forums, city website www.decorahia.org and city social media venues.
The Iowa Department of Public Health is the lead agency for the dissemination of information related to the Coronavirus (COVID19). Winneshiek County Public Health is your local, central point of contact for local efforts.
Iowa Department of Public Health – www.idph.iowa.gov or call IDPH at 2-1-1
Winneshiek County Public Health – www.winneshiekhealth.org 563-382-4662
Please refer to these agencies for specific information and direction regarding COVID19.