Contact: Laurie Kreul
Email or Phone: 563-382-8787
On May 6 & 7, 2020, employees and both Nursing Home residents and Assisted Living tenants (unless refused by the individual), were tested for Covid-19. The tests were received from LabCorp (a private company referred to us through IDPH) and our staff, with assistance from Winneshiek County Public Health, conducted the testing.
The guidance on receiving test results is anticipated to take approximately 72 hours. Test results will be shared as soon as possible with the individual and/or their responsible party.
Prior to the testing, we had two employees test positive (both employees have self-isolated and have since been released to return to work). We also had 8 employees and 3 residents (asymptomatic) that were tested by their medical provider for various reasons. All tested negative.
“With guidance from our exceptional local and state-level professionals, we were able to obtain testing for our employees, residents (NH) and tenants (AL). Our top priority has and will continue to be the health and welfare of our residents, tenants, their families, and our dedicated and selfless employees.”
Barthell O.E.S. Home is a Continuing Care Retirement Community, offering the following levels of care: Nursing Facility, Assisted and Independent Living. We have been providing care for the elderly of Decorah and surrounding communities since 1969. We employ approximately 90 individuals caring for a community of 80+ residents and tenants. For more information, visit our website at www.easternstardecorah.com.