Prom is just around the corner! Are you looking to buy a prom dress for 2024? Are you looking to make some money from a previously worn prom or semi-formal dress that you no longer need?
The Allamakee Music Boosters are hosting a prom dress sale on Friday Jan 12th from 6-8pm, and Saturday Jan 13th from 9AM- 2PM at the Allamakee Fairgrounds Pavilion (705 Allamakee St. NW, Waukon, IA). There will be hourly door prizes and drawings for prizes for dress buyers and sellers.
The dress drop off dates are Thursday Jan 11th from 6-8PM, and Friday Jan 12th from 4-6PM. All area students are welcome to sell dresses. Dresses must be clean and in gently used condition, bagged and hung on a hanger. All lengths of prom and semi-formal dresses will be accepted. Each dress will be charged a non-refundable $5 handling fee, payable at drop-off. Dress sellers determine the sale price, and will keep 90% of the sale price, with the Allamakee Music Boosters receiving the balance. Any dresses not sold must be picked up between 3 and 4PM on Saturday Jan 13th, or they will become property of the Allamakee Music Boosters. The Allamakee Music Boosters are not responsible for loss or damages.
We hope to see all Iowa, Minnesota, and Wisconsin dress sellers and shoppers at the 2024 Allamakee Music Boosters Prom Dress Sale!
More Information
- Tami Gebel, President of the Allamakee Music Boosters
- 563-568-7146
- acsdmusicboosters@gmail.com