For Immediate Release
March 27, 2020
Contact: Lisa Moose RN Contact: Sheryl Darling-Mooney RN
lmoose@vmhospital.com smooney@vmhospital.com
Allamakee County Public Health (Veterans Memorial Hospital Community and Home Care) has currently been notified of a total of 7 positive cases of COVID 19 in Allamakee County. Unfortunately we have received notice of a death of one our 7 cases. This case is a male between the ages of 61-80 years of age. 3 cases have already recovered and have been released from isolation and 3 are recovering at home under isolation. We do expect to see more positive cases in the coming days.
Allamakee County Public Health and our other area health partners can not stress enough the importance of STAYING HOME. This does slow the spread. Staying home does not mean you can’t go for a walk or be outside as long as you maintain social distancing. 6 feet physical distancing is about the length of a twin bed.
Send one (1) person out to go to the grocery store to get essentials for ONE week.
Utilize technology to connect socially by phone calls, texting, video streaming, Facebook live, Zoom and other apps. We understand you need to be able to connect with others but for everyone’s safety it needs to be at a distance.
Public notification of any additional positives will be released daily on the Iowa Department of Public Health website.
If you are experiencing any health concerns related to respiratory symptoms you NEED to call your health care provider first before seeking medical attention.
If you stay home now we can be together later.
Thank you for helping to keep yourself, your family, your neighbors and our communities safe.
This is an official public health press release. Modifications of any kind are prohibited without express written consent of this author. Any reprint or rebroadcast of this information must include the entire communication.