Looking for a family activity to do over the holiday weekend?
Our flower pots along Main Street have transitioned to winter decorations, but there’s plenty of room for personalization! We’d like to invite you to “Adopt a Pot” and decorate it as festively as you desire! See the attached photo for an idea of what this could look like.
And don’t forget, this weekend is Small Business Saturday! Local businesses have plenty of deals for you to explore, so make sure you come downtown! Main Street Lansing will also be hosting a food drive for LIFT in our office during Small Business Saturday, and if you make a food or cash donation you will be entered to win one of three $10 gift cards from the Lansing IGA!
We hope you all have a fantastic holiday weekend!
Andy KelleherExecutive Director, Main Street Lansing563-538-9229P.O. Box 307, Lansing, IA 52151