For immediate release…
Absentee voting through the mail for the June 2nd Primary Election starts April 23rd. Voters are encouraged to vote by mail for this election to help minimize person to person contact in the current COVID19 epidemic. The Secretary of State will be sending each registered voter an application for absentee ballot by mail. Voters can also print these request forms out from www.winneshiekcounty.org or the Secretary of State’s WEB site. Voters can also contact the County Auditor’s Office at (563) 382-5085 or auditor@co.winneshiek.ia.us to receive a request form in the mail.
Voters are reminded that for a Primary Election they must register with the Democratic or Republican Party. If requesting a ballot by mail, be sure to indicate on the application which party’s ballot you wish to receive.
Early, in-person voting will be available in the Auditor’s office starting May 4th. Please exercise appropriate social distancing measures if voting in person.
Several factors including: Increased vote by mail participation, many regular polling locations being closed, and many poll workers being “at risk” individuals; will necessitate the use of fewer polling locations on Election Day. On June 2nd there will only be three polling locations in Winneshiek County:
Winneshiek County Courthouse: Precincts 1-6 and 11. These are the voters that normally vote at the Courthouse, North Winn School, Decorah City Hall, First Lutheran Church, and Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.
Calmar Lutheran Church: Precincts 7 and 8. These are the voters that normally vote at Calmar Lutheran Church and Ossian Community Center.
Ridgeway Community Center: Precincts 9 and 10. These are the voters that normally vote at Ridgeway Community Center and Fort Atkinson Community Center.
Additional Election Information is available at www.winneshiekcounty.org, including forms, sample ballots, and other information. Contact the County Auditor at (563) 382-5085 or auditor@co.winneshiek.ia.us with questions.
Thank you,
Ben Steines
Winneshiek County Auditor