Good afternoon Partners.
I wanted to take time to share a few resources with you. As always, continue to watch Governor Reynolds’s press conferences each weekday at 11 a.m. Reference https://coronavirus.iowa.gov/ for the latest information for Iowa.
Governor Reynold’s Proclamation
Today, Governor Reynolds loosened restrictions for all counties in Iowa, including Fayette County. This restriction has eased businesses, restaurants, campgrounds, malls, fitness centers, libraries and race track restrictions as long as they follow specific guidelines. Again, the eased restrictions on religious gatherings and farmers’ markets apply to ALL 99 counties if they can adhere to the guidelines in the Proclamation. Within IDPH clarification, weddings and funerals are permitted as a religious gathering; however, receptions and visitations must adhere to the 10 and under gathering rule (rolling receptions/visitations with 10 people in and out are still allowed). Gatherings of more than 10 people continue to be prohibited.
See the Governor’s full Proclamation: https://governor.iowa.gov/press-release/gov-reynolds-signs-new-proclamation-continuing-the-state-public-health-emergency-0
Check out our EOC saying hello attached😊
GPCH Coordinator – Fayette County Public Health
200 Jefferson Street, West Union, IA 52175
Phone: 563.422.6267 ext 64681 Fax: 563-422-9876 jlwegne1@gundersenhealth.org