For your information, the first “check-plans” for Decorah’s 2020 Locust Road Improvement Project have been posted to the Iowa DOT website and available for your public review and comment through the Iowa DOT website.
Please follow the link and information below.
Let us know if you have any questions locally, but engineering and design questions will flow through the DOT’s site.
Posted at https://iowadot.gov/contracts#notices
Project Details: PCC Pavement – Replace, In the City of Decorah, on Locust Road From College Drive 0.87 Miles to Pine Crest Drive – PCC Pavement Replace – Bid Alternate: Pine Crest Drive to Highland Drive
Project Number: STBG-SWAP-1867(617)—SG-96
Proposed Letting: April 21, 2020
Brief Description: This project involves full reconstruction of Locust Road in Decorah, Iowa from College Drive north to Highland Drive. The project also includes storm water and drainage improvements to the entire corridor, and the addition of new sidewalk from College Drive north to Shady Lane Drive and a little North of the intersection of Shady Lane. The Section from Pine Crest Drive to Highland Drive is a bid alternate and will be awarded if bids come within range of City estimate.
Plans are provided for information and comments only and are subject to change. Please contact Jeremy Bril (cityengineer@decorahia.org) or Chad Bird (citymanager@decorahia.org) with any comments/questions.
This is the Tentative project schedule and timeline:
The following is a possible schedule for the Locust Road project.
January 13th Street Committee meeting, plan review with Engineers (McClure Engineering to meet with the Street Committee to review plans and engineer’s estimate of cost. Open House / public review of final plans, (NO council action)
January 20th (Final Plans due to DOT on January 21st)
April 20th: Resolution for public hearing in front of Council for consideration and approval.
April 21st: Project is Bid, Notice of Public Hearing is sent for publication to Decorah News.
April 21st through May 1st: Information from DOT to City/McClure about bids received, contract forms, etc.
May 4th Public Hearing, followed by Council consideration and approval to award work to low bidder (with or without Bid Alternate 1: Pine Crest Drive to Highland Drive)